ZOONOSIS –Always current diseases (Brochure download)

Zoonosis are diseases that originate in animals, and some may have the potential to trigger massive epidemicsso the experts of the Institute for Health and Food Safety have prepared educational material – Zoonosis Brochure, along with a number of important and useful informations on the most known zoonoses, and their impact on the lives of humans, animals and the environment.

Zoonoses are very important from the public healthand veterinary public health related perspective, which is an essential part of public health that involves cooperation between disciplines linked to triad of health: healthy humans, healthy animals and ahealthy environment and all their interactions.

The reason for importance of zoonozes should be sought in the intricate relationship between human and animal health and related industry. The link between human and animal populations and the environment is particularly close in the developing regions where animals provide transport, fuel, clothing, and proteins (meat, milk, eggs). This link can lead to serious public health risks with major economic consequences in the developed countries as well as inthe developing countries.