One health definition:
One Health is a collaborative, multi-sectoral, and trans-disciplinary approach, working locally, regionally, nationally, and globally, to achieve optimal health and well-being of all animals, people, plants and their shared environment, recognizing their inextricable interconnections.
In order to effectively identify, respond and prevent the emergence and spread of zoonoses and food safety issues, epidemiological data and information from laboratories should be shared among different sectors. Government officials, researchers and workers in different sectors at the local, national, regional and global levels should conduct a joint response to any health threat.
Here are a few areas that urgently need the One Health approach, at all levels of academia, government, industry, policy and research, because of the inextricable interconnectedness of animal, environmental, human and plant health. Convergence of human, animal, and plant health and the health of the environment.
• Human-animal bond
• Professional education and training of the next generation of One Health professionals
• Research
• Ensuring a safe food and water supply that is high quality, available and affordable
• Agricultural production and land use / soil health
• Natural resources and conservation
• Disease surveillance, prevention and response, both infectious and chronic diseases
• Comparative Medicine: commonality of diseases among people and animals, such as cancer, obesity, and diabetes
• Clinical medicine needs for interrelationship between the health professions
• Environmental agent detection and response
• Disaster preparedness and response
• Public policy and regulation
• Global trade, commerce and security
• Communications and outreach